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Quercus robur | |
Author | L. 1753 |
Synonyms |
cuneifolia Vuk. 1833 |
Local names | English oak; roble; carballo; carvallo; |
Range | Europe except regions bordering on the Mediterranean Sea; continental Spain; NE Russia; SW Asia; North Africa; 0-1000 m; |
Growth habit | 30 m tall and more; trunk to 3 m in diameter; crown broadly domed; |
Leaves | 5-12(-17) x 3-8(-11) cm; base auricled, asymmetrical; 2-5 pairs of rounded lobes, with sinuses obtuse and variable in depth; the blade is wider near apical 1/3; almost glabrous on both sides (possible uniseriate and solitary trichomes adaxially; the same ones abaxially, mostly on the midrib and at axils, and a lack of wax on the stigmas); dark dull green above; pale glaucous beneath; 5-7 vein pairs; petiole half-round in cross-section, hairless, yellowish, 0.4-0.7 cm long; |
Flowers | spring; male catkins yellow green, 2-6 cm long, with axis hairless; male perianth with 5-8 hairless stamens; pistillate inflorescences 3-10 cm long, hairless; female perianth with 4-6 short lobes; |
Fruits | acorn 1.5-4 cm, ovoid; dark brown; paired or several together on a long, thin, 4-10 cm long peduncle; enclosed 1/4 to 1/2 by cup; cup half-round, with triangular, appressed, slightly tomentose scales; maturing in 1 year; |
Bark, twigs and |
bark grey, deeply furrowed into rectangular or hexagonal plates; twigs green brown turning grey green, smooth, glabrescent, with rounded, pale lenticels; buds ovoid conic, pale brown, clustered at end of twig, 5 mm long, with numerous, obtuse, ciliate scales; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy; all types of soils; long lived (to 800 years, and more); |
Miscellaneous |
-- A. Camus : n°163 ; -- "lanuginosa"
is a term frequently used by Authors, so it is better not to use it,
in order to avoid confusions ! -- The natural hybrids of Q. robur are
: Q. x andegavensis, Q.
x cantabrica, Q. x carrissoana,
Q. x coutinhoi, Q.
x gallaecica, Q. x haynaldiana,
Q. x kerneri, Q.
x rosacea, Q. x turneri |
Subspecies and varieties |
---A/ There
are 5 subspecies: --- B/ Numerous varieties of the species type have been described, among them : 1_ var. tardissima Simonk 2_ var. fastigiata Loud. 3_ var. haas A.DC 4_ var. salicifolia |
Pictures |