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Quercus cerris | |
Author | L. 1753 |
Synonyms | austriaca
Willd. 1805 aegilops Scop. 1772, not L. nor Mill. nor Griseb. cerris subsp austriaca (Willd.) Nyman 1881 ; ead. comb. 0.Schwarz 1934 cerris subsp tournefortii (Willd.) O.Schwarz 1934 cerris var. ciliata Kotschy crinita Lam. 1785 (nom. illeg.) dentata hort. or Watson 1873, not Thunb. echinata Salisb. 1796 nom. illeg., not Lam. 1779 fasciculopilosa Kit. lanuginosa Lam. 1779 (nom. illeg.) nicotrae Lojac. 1907 pseudocerris Boiss.1853, not x pseudocerris Lojac., nor x pseudocerris Rouy raynal K.Koch 1873 recurvisquamosa St-Lager 1881 thracica Stefanov & Nedjalkov 1956 tournefortii Willd. 1805 tukhtensis Czeczott 1932 x ambrosyana Simonkai 1909 |
Local names | hairy oak; Lombard oak; Turkey oak; cerre; doucier; |
Range | South,
Center and South-East Europe; Asia Minor; 50-2200 m; |
Growth habit | 20-30 m high and more; trunk to 2 m in diameter; crown conical first, then spreading; |
Leaves | 6-13
x 3-8 cm; lately decidous; subcoriaceous; oblong-elliptical; apex obtuse,
base truncate; 5-9 pairs of lobes with deep sinuses reaching halfway to
midrib or more, but variable; dark green and rough above, with stellate
hairs; paler beneath with short, dense stellate pubescence; 5-12 pairs
of lateral veins; petiole 0.5-2 cm, pubescent, sulcate; |
Flowers | male flowers in June on 5-6 cm, pendulous catkins at the base of twigs, crimson turning yellow brown, on a pubescent rachis; female flowers 1 to 5, on a short, pubescent peduncle; 4 styles; |
Fruits |
acorn to 3 cm long; sessile
or on a short peduncle 1 cm long; top flattened, pubescent; enclosed
1/2 by the cup; cup hairy, 1 cm high, 1.8 cm in diameter, with long,
tomentose, slender, recurving scales; maturing in 2 years; |
Bark, twigs and |
bark dull grey, thick, fissured; twigs gnarled, slightly pubescent, becoming grey brown; bud 3-4 mm, ovoid, surrounded with 1 cm long hairy stipules, and with persistent, twisted scales; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy; all types of soils, even alkaline and poor; fast growing; |
Miscellaneous |
-- A. Camus : n° 122; -- "lanuginosa"
is a term frequently used by Authors, so it is better not to use it,
in order to avoid confusions !
Subspecies and varieties |
--- For
Govaerts, 2003, Q.gussonei
(Borzi) Brullo 1984 (= Q.cerris var.
gussonei Borzi 1911) is a true species, in N Sicily. --- cultivars: --- hybrids: numerous...A good one is with Q. castaneifolia.
Pictures |