Oaks of the World

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  Quercus palustris
Author Muenchh. 1770 Hausvater 5: 253
Synonyms rubra var. palustris (Muenchh.) Kuntze 1891
rubra var. dissecta Lam. 1785
Local names pin-oak ;
Range NE United States; 0-350 m; introduced in Europe in 1800;
Growth habit 15-20 m tall (may reach 40 m); crown conical, with lower branches drooping, upper branches ascending;
Leaves 7.5-13 x 5-10 cm; apex obtuse or acuminate; base cuneate;2-3 pairs of pointed lobes and deep sinuses; lobes at middle leaf are wider, at right angle with the midrib; shiny green above, paler beneath with light brown tufts of hairs at axils of veins; petiole slender, glabrous, 3-5 cm long;
Flowers spring;
Fruits acorn 1.2 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, rounded, often striate; one or several together, on short peduncle; cup shallow with appressed scales;

Bark, twigs and

bark smooth, finely fissured, grey brown silvery; dead twigs remain on the tree ("pins"); twig slender, red brown becoming grey, glabrescent; buds brown, conical, pointed, 3-5 mm long;
Hardiness zone, habitat hardy; prefers moist soils; rather fast growing;
Miscellaneous --A.Camus : 421
-- Sub-genus Quercus, section Lobatae ;
-- Resembles
Q.coccinea, but it is difficult to distinguish it from other red oaks;
-- Several hybrids, among them x
exacta with Q.imbricaria, and x schochiana with Q.phellos ;

Subspecies and
_var. umbraculifera Chancerel
_var. compacta
