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Quercus x schochiana | |
Author | Dieck 1892 Cat. Arbor. Zoesch. 26 |
Synonyms | palustris x phellos |
Local names | |
Range | Illinois, Kentucky, Arkansas; |
Growth habit | 20m ; spreading crown; |
Leaves | 5-18 cm long, sometimes with small sharp lobes but often entire; oblong, lustrous; lower side glabrous or with small axil tufts; bright yellow in autumn, evergreen in sheltered places; |
Flowers | |
Fruits | sterile; |
Bark, twigs and |
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy; prefers wet soils; |
Miscellaneous | -- discovered at Worlitz (Germany) in 1894 and introduced in Europe the same year; native where parents are meeting; |
Subspecies and varieties |
Pictures |