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Quercus ellipsoidalis | |
Author | E.J.Hill 1899 Bot. Gaz. 27: 204 |
Synonyms | ellipsoidalis var. kaposianensis J.W.Moore
1950 ellipsoidalis var. coccinioides Farw. 1930 |
Local names | jack oak; northern pin oak ; Hill’s oak ; |
Range | Canada (Ontario);
USA (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin); 150-500
m; introduced in Europe in 1902; |
Growth habit | reaches 18 m;
short trunk, narrow crown; the lowest part of the trunk bears often dead
branches; |
Leaves | 7.5-13 x 6-10
cm; elliptic to oboval; 3 deep lobes each side, lobes lobulate; lobes
and lobules bristle-tipped; median lobes longer than other lobes; shiny
green above, paler beneath; glabrous both sides except axillary tufts
of hairs underneath; 3-4 pairs of lateral veins ; red at fall; petiole
glabrous, 2-5 cm; |
Flowers | in May; |
Fruits | acorn 1.2-2
cm; brown, ellipsoid to rounded, sessile or nearly so; enclosed 1/3 or
1/2 by deep cup with appressed, narrow scales; maturing in 2 years in
September; |
Bark, twigs and |
smooth, brown, becoming slightly rough; twigs dark brown, covered with
pale, dense hairs at first, becoming glabrous; bud red brown, ovoid, pentagonal
in cross section, 3-5 mm long; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy; prefers dry, sandy, lime-free soils; |
Miscellaneous | --
A. Camus : 428; -- Sub-genus Quercus, section Lobatae, Series Coccineae; -- Close to Q.palustris, but in dry sites; resembles Q.coccinea, but darker green; -- Often treated as variety of Q.coccinea; -- Hybrid with Q.velutina : Q.x paleolithicola; |
Subspecies and varieties |
--- f. incurva and f. heterophylla
Trel. -- the variety kaposianensis
describes trees from Minnesota, with cup enclosing 2/3 of acorn; |
Pictures |