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Quercus pyrenaica | |
Author | Willd. 1805 Sp. Pl. 4: 451 |
Synonyms | brossa
Bosc 1808 toza var. pyrenaica (Willd.) Wenz. 1886 toza Gillet ex Bosc 1792, nom. inval. tauza Desf. 1815 tauzin Pers. 1807 tavaresi Sampaio stolonifera Lapeyr. 1813 humilis DC in Lam. 1805, nom. illeg. |
Local names | Chêne des Pyrénées; chêne tauzin; roble melojo; rebollo; quejigo; |
Range | Atlantic
Coast (France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco); 400-1600 m; |
Growth habit | to
40 m tall, with trunk 0.8 m in diameter; trunk twisted; crown open, domed;
Leaves |
x 4-12 cm; deciduous; thick, pubescent; oblong, pinnatifide; apex slightly
pointed; base cuneate; 6 pairs (and more) of irregular, lobulate lobes,
deep narrow sinuses reaching halfway to the midrib ; grey green or greyish;
covered above with fasciculate hairs; whitish fasciculate hairs beneath
(stalk 40-6 µm, 4-8 rays 500-1000 µm long) ; 4-9 pairs of
secondary sinuous veins, diverging at more than 37° from midrib
; midrib strongly raised underneath; petiole densely hairy, 0.8-2 cm
long; |
Flowers | long
(3-8 cm), numerous, rich yellow male catkins in May; |
Fruits | acorn
small, ovoid oblong; 2 to 4 on a peduncle to 3 cm long, or sessile; enclosed
1/3 by cup; cup pubescent, with pointed, appressed scales; maturing in
6 months in October-November; |
Bark, twigs and |
grey deeply furrowed into small square scales; twigs reddish green, densely
pubescent when young, becoming grey green; buds ovoid pale brown, hairy;
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy; prefers acidic soils, even poor and dry; long lived; |
Miscellaneous | --
Sub-genus Quercus, Section Quercus, Series Roburoid; -- A.Camus n° 127 -- Very rare outside its typical range; -- The natural hybrids of Q. pyrenaica are : Q. x andegavensis, Q. x cantabrica, Q. x diosdadoi, Q. x firmurensis, Q. x fontqueri, Q. x paui, Q. x trabutii, Q. x welwitschii |
Subspecies and varieties |
1/ Several forms and varieties are described in Spain
: 2/ The taxon Q. pubescens subspecies palensis
(Palassou) O.Schwarz 1936, considered by Govaerts & Frodin as synonym
of Q. pyrenaica, is for C. Vicioso a hybrid between Q. pubescens
and Q. cerrioides. |
Pictures |