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Quercus ilex | |
Author | L. 1753 |
Synonyms | grammuntia L. 1753 sempervirens Miller 1768 ilex var. angustifolia Lam. in Lam. & DC 1805 ilex var. latifolia Sennen ilex var. macrophylla Ten. 1831 ilex subsp mirbeckii Sennen 1936 marcetti Pau ex Marcet 1909 montserratensis Svent. & Marcet 1952, not C.H.Mull. 1942 expansa Poiret in Lam. 1811 fordii (Loud.) Carr. 1861 alpina Endl. 1848 integrifolia Steudel 1821 gracilis Lange 1861 calycina Poiret in Lam. 1811 smilax L. 1753 variifolia Sweet 1830 |
Local names | yeuse |
Range | South
Europe (Mediterranean Region); |
Growth habit | 15
m (may reach 25 m); trunk brittle, short, to 1-2 m in diameter; many-branched;
crown at first columnar, becoming domed; |
Leaves | 3-7
cm long; persist for 2 years before falling; varying in size and shape
(more or less oval, or lanceolate, or rounded, entire or toothed); margin
glabrous, clearly hyalin; adaxially dark green, shiny, weakly rough; dull,
tawny, densely pubescent beneath; 7-12 vein pairs; petiole 0.4-1.5 cm
; |
Flowers | early summer; male on catkins yellow, 4-7 cm long, with 4-7 stamens longer than petals; pistillate flowers with sometimes bracts at the base of the future cup; |
Fruits | acorn 1.5-2 cm; pointed; short peduncle; enclosed 1/2 or 1/3 by cup; cup scaly, 1.8 cm high, 1.2 cm wide, pale grey to tawny; maturing in 1 year; bitter; |
Bark, twigs and |
blackish, broken into small, shallow, square plates; twig greyish pubescent,
turning brown green; bud small (2 mm), tawny, with recurved scales; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | usually hardy; all types of soils, including calcareous ones, if drained; sprouts easily and forms root suckers; |
Miscellaneous | --
A. Camus : n° 140; -- Sub-genus Cerris, Section Ilex; -- Lives up to 300 years and more; -- The natural hybrids of Q. ilex are : Q. x albescens, Q. x autumnalis, Q. x auzandrii, Q. x morisii, Q. x turneri |
Subspecies and varieties |
var. rotundifolia = Q.rotundifolia Lam.
1785 : see this file --- The type species, Q.ilex (or Q.ilex subsp ilex), actually very variable, has been described under several varieties, among them : _ var. gracilis = Q.gracilis Lange 1861 = Q.ilex subsp gracilis (Lange) Rivas-Mart. & Saenz 1992 leaves 3 x 1.5 cm, oblong lanceolate, apex acuminate, base cuneate, few teeth near apex, slightly wavy ; greyish green ; young twigs greyish tomentose; _ var. marcetii (Pau ex Marcet) C.Vicioso 1950 = Q.marceti Pau ex Marcet 1909 "alzina de Montserrat" leaves 7-9 x 2-3 cm, evergreen, oblong elliptic, entire or with very small teeth; dark green, hairless obove, white tomentose beneath; apex pointed, base attenuate; 7-14 vein pairs; petiole 1.5 cm, brown above, greenish beneath, with stellate hairs; cup with upper scales imbricate, hairy; black acorn 2.5 cm long, 3 to 5 together, with long peduncle, ripening in 1 year; twig grey tomentose, not bending near tip ( hybrids with Q.suber have drooping twigs); numerous globose buds; Spain (near Barcelona), very rare; |
Pictures |