Oaks of the World

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  Quercus vicentensis

Trel. 1924 Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci. 20: 59

Diagnosis here

Synonyms comasaguana Trel. 1922 Diagnosis here
siltepecana Matuda 1955
Local names
Range Central America (El Salvador; Guatemala; Mexico); 1200-1900 m;
Growth habit tall tree;
Leaves 7-10 (-15) x 2-3.5 (-6) cm; evergreen; moderately thick and hard; oblong to lanceolate or oblanceolate; apex acute, sometimes more or less rounded; base round or cuneate; margin flat or weakly revolute, entire or coarsely dentate in the apical half; adaxially dull, with sparse glandular hairs becoming glabrous except along midrib near base; abaxially waxy-glaucous, with a rather persistent tawny tomentum; 12-20 pairs of irregular secondary veins, forked and anastomosing alond margin, somewhat impressed above, very prominent beneath; petiole 5 mm long, with persistent stellate pubescence or glabrescent;
Flowers male catkins 3-4 cm long, with puberulent rachis low-flowered; pistillate inflorescences 1.5-2 cm long, glandular pubescent, with 2-3 flowers;

Bark, twigs and

twigs about 2 mm. thick, obscurely fluted, from dark brown becoming gray, puberulent at first then glabrous, with prominent lenticels; bud hairless, brown, subglobose; stipules deciduous, thin, pubescent, 6 mm long;
Hardiness zone, habitat
Miscellaneous -- Sub-genus Quercus, Section Quercus, Series Leucomexicanae;
-- Threatened (IUCN Red List Category : VU).

--Warning : Q.comayaguana Trel. = Q.elliptica !

Subspecies and