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Quercus phillyreoides | |
Author | A.Gray 1859 Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts n.s., 6: 406 |
Synonyms | ilex var. phillyreoides(A.Gray)
Franch. 1899 lichuanensis Cheng 1950 phillyreoides var. wrightii (Nakai) Menitsky 1973 wrightii Nakai 1924 |
Local names | wu
gang li ; |
Range | South
Japan; C China; Korea; 300-1200 m; introduced in Europe in 1861 by R.
Oldham ; |
Growth habit | 1-3
metres tall usually; may sometimes reach 8 m; multiple trunks; |
Leaves | 3-6
x 1.5-2.5 cm; evergreen; leathery, thick; apex pointed, base subcordate;
margin slightly toothed at apical 1/2 (8-12 pairs of teeth); dark green,
convex above; paler, shiny beneath; smooth and hairless on both sides;
8-10 vein pairs; petiole hairy, 3-5 mm long; |
Flowers | March-April; pistillate inflorescences 1-4 cm; |
Fruits | acorn
1.2-2.2 cm long, 1.3-1.4 cm in diameter; tomentose towards mucronate apex;
enclosed 1/3 to 1/2 by cup; cup 1 cm in diameter, conical, with short,
pale, appressed scales; maturing in 1 year; |
Bark, twigs and |
grey, shallowly fissured; twigs slender, grey brown pubescent, glabrescent;
Hardiness zone, habitat | hardy;
all types of soils, especially calcareous, rocky ones; |
Miscellaneous | ---
A.Camus : n° 102; --- Sub-genus Cerris, Section Ilex; --- Also spelled "phillyraeoides"; --- Only cross-pollinated : to have viable acorns one must have 2 trees; |
Subspecies and varieties |
For Menitsky, Q.fokienensis Nakai 1924 is a subspecies: = Q.phillyreoides subsp fokienensis (Nakai)Menits. 1973 = Q. phillyreoides var. sinensis Schottky 1912 = Q. myricifolia Hu & Cheng 1951 = Q. singuliflora (Lév.) A.Camus 1935 (A. Camus : n° 132) = Q. tinfanensis A.Camus 1931 = Q. fooningensis Hu & Cheng 1951 differs from type in having more teeth (12-20 pairs), distributed all along margin. |
Pictures |