Oaks of the World

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  Quercus ilicifolia
Author Wangenh. 1787 Beytr. Teut. Forstwiss. 79
Synonyms banisteri Michx 1801
ilicifolia var. georgiana A. Wood 1861
nana (Marsh.) Sarg. 1895, nom. illeg., not Willd.
rubra var. nana Marsh. 1785
Local names bear oak ; scrub oak ;
Range East USA; 0-1500 m; introduced in Europe in 1800;
Growth habit 1-2.5 m (to5 m); shrubby; branches slender, spreading;
Leaves 5-10 x 4-7.5 cm; semi-evergreen; apex pointed; base cuneate; 2-5 toothed lobes with shallow sinuses; dark green above; paler beneath, greyish or whitish tomentose; dark purple in winter; petiole 1-2 cm long, pubescent;
Flowers fruits at 5 years old;
Fruits acorn 1-1.5 cm; paired; numerous; dark brown, striped with black; sessile; cup enclosing 1/4 to 1/3 of nut; maturing in 2 years; bitter;

Bark, twigs and

bark dark grey, thin, smooth, becoming scaly and furrowed; twig yellow brown, hairy; bud dark brown, ovoid, pubescent, 2-4 mm long;
Hardiness zone, habitat hardy; prefers lime-free soils, even poor or dry; slow-growing, short-lived;
Miscellaneous -- A.Camus : 420;
-- Sub-genus Quercus, section Lobatae, subsection Phellos;
-- Hybrids with other red oaks (
Q.x brittonii, Q.x caesariensis, Q.x fernaldii, Q.x giffordii, Q.x rehderi, Q. x robbinsii ) ;

Subspecies and