Oaks of the World

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  Quercus hintonii
Author E.F.Warb. 1939 Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1939: 91
Synonyms ochroestes E.F.Warb. 1939
sagata E.F.Warb. 1939
apiophylla E.F.Warb. 1939
Local names encino prieto
Range Center of Mexico; 1300 to 2000 m ;
Growth habit reaches 15 m, with trunk to 30-50 cm in diameter;
Leaves 5-20 x 3-10 cm; deciduous; leathery; oboval, oval or elliptic; apex pointed more or less acuminate, aristate; base obtuse to slightly cordate, sometimes acute, often asymmetrical; margin thick, revolute, cartilaginous, entire or toothed (1-4 pairs of aristate teeth), sometimes toothed only near apex or only one side; shiny light green (red when unfolding), hairless above (except stellate trichomes along midvein and glandular trichomes at base of the limb); underside densely yellowish white tomentose, tomentum made of stellate trichomes with 1,5 mm long rays and golden glandular trichomes; epidermis smooth; midrid sometimes prominent adaxially; 6-14 secondary veins pairs, sunken adaxially; petiole 0.7-2.5 cm long, densely tomentose;
Flowers in March; male catkins many-flowered, 3-10 cm long; female inflorescences pubescent, 1-1,4 cm long, with 1-6 flowers;
Fruits acorn globose 6-15 mm long, slightly flattened at apex; 1 to 4 on a very short peduncle 6-7 mm long; cup very shallow, not rolled at rim, with scales pointed at apex, enclosing less than 1/4 of nut; maturing in 1 year, from June to August;

Bark, twigs and

bark dark grey, rough when young, broken into square plates; young twigs 1-4 mm in diameter, densely yellowish stellate tomentose, becoming dark; white lenticels; bud 2-7 mm long, with hairy scales; stipules deciduous, more than 1 cm long;
Hardiness zone, habitat mixed forests oaks-pines; not hardy;
Miscellaneous -- A. Camus : n° 344;
-- Sub-genus Quercus, Section Lobatae, Subsection Erythromexicanae, group Crassifoliae;
-- Threatened (IUCN Red List Category : EN)

Subspecies and