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Quercus douglasii | |
Author | Hook. & Arn. 1840 Bot. Beechey Voy. 391 |
Synonyms | gambelii Liebm. 1854, not Nuttal 1847 oblongifolifa var. brevilobata Torr. 1874 ransomii Kellogg 1873 |
Local names | blue oak; iron oak; |
Range | California from 100 to 1200 m ; |
Growth habit | 5-18 m; trunk 25-40 cm in diameter, most often single; open, rounded crown; |
Leaves | 5-8 x 2-4 cm; deciduous; stiff; oblong or elliptic; apex obtuse; base broadly cuneate, sometimes truncate; margins somewhat wavy, entire, or shallowly 4-5 lobed, sometimes coarsely dentate; dark blue green above, glabrous or with scattered stellate hairs; yellow green, with small, stellate trichomes beneath; petiole 0.3-1.2 cm, blue green; |
Flowers | March to April; |
Fruits | acorn solitary or paired, 2-3 cm, ovoid or elliptic, elongate, sessile or nearly so; very shallow cup covered with small warty , appressed scales; matures in 1 year; kernel sweet; |
Bark, twigs and |
bark light grey, scaly; twigs reddish or yellowish, hairy at first, becoming glabrous; bud subglobose, red brown, 3-5 mm long, scales glabrous but with ciliate margin; deciduous stipules; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | quite hardy; prefers sunny sites and calcareous, dry, rocky soils; lives up to 200 years; |
Miscellaneous | -- Camus : n° 258 ; -- Sub-genus Quercus, Section Quercus, subsection Dumosae; -- Resembles Q.lobata (leaves much more lobed, without blue color); resembles too Q.x alvordiana (leaves more leathery, smaller, semi-evergreen); -- Wood hard, heavy; -- Discovered by David Douglas (1798-1834), Scottish botanist; -- Hybridizes with Q.lobata (= x jolonensis), Q.garryana (= x eplingii ), and Q.john-tuckeri (= x alvordiana) |
Subspecies and varieties |
Pictures |