Oaks of the World

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  Quercus x bushii
Author Sarg. 1918 Bot. Gaz. 65: 453 1918
Synonyms marilandica x velutina
Local names
Range North, Center, East USA
Growth habit 9 m ;
Leaves 10-13 cm, deciduous, resembling those of marilandica more than those of velutina, oboval, 3-7 lobes with deep rounded sinuses, lustrous green above, with light yellow pubescence beneath; base rounded, sometimes narrowed; bright colors in autumn; petiole 3 cm long;
Fruits acorn ovoid, 1/2 enclosed in the cup; cupscales large, loosely appressed;

Bark, twigs and

twig stout, densely tomentose at first, becoming glabrous only at fall; bud 1 cm long;
Hardiness zone, habitat hardy; all types of soils;
Miscellaneous cultivated since discovery in Oklahoma in 1931;
Subspecies and