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  Quercus austroglauca
Author (Y.T.Chang)Y.T.Chang 1992
Synonyms Cyclobalanopsis austroglauca Y.T.Chang 1979
Local names dian nan qing gang;
Range China (S.E. Yunnan) ; 800-1500 m
Growth habit reaches 10 m tall;
Leaves 10-14 x 3-4 cm; evergreen; oval lanceolate; whitish beneath; base cuneate, apex pointed; margin with sharp, short teeth except near base; green, hairless, lustrous adaxially; whitish beneath with simple hairs or sometimes hairless; 10-12 pairs of secondary veins; tertiary veins evident beneath; petiole glabrous, sulcate above, to 1.5-2.5 cm;
Flowers male inflorescences 4-5 cm;
Fruits acorn ovoid, 2 cm long; pointed, paired or to 3, on a 2-3 cm long pedoncule; cup thin, hemispheric, covering 1/2 of nut, inner surface grey brown tomentose; cup with 7 concentric rings of scales, margin of apical 2 denticulate, others entire;

Bark, twigs and

branchlets glabrous with brownish, rounded lenticels;
Hardiness zone, habitat not hardy; broad-leaved evergreen forests;
Miscellaneous -- Sub-genus Cyclobalanopsis;

Subspecies and
