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Quercus albocincta | |
Author |
Trel. 1924 Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci. 20: 193 1924. Diagnosis here |
Synonyms | acutifolia var. albocincta Zavala-Chàvez 2003 |
Local names | |
Range | Mexico in the North-West (Sonora, Sinaloa, Durango, Chihuahua); 800-1800 m; |
Growth habit | tree to 3-15 m tall; trunk 25-50 cm in diameter; |
Leaves | 7-16 cm x 4-8; deciduous; stiff and coriaceous; more or less broadly ovate; apex attenuate, base varying; margin thickenned, revolute, with 3-6 pairs of bristled teeth (teeth 4-5 mm, bristle-tip 5-12 mm long); young leaves pubescent on both sides; mature ones lustrous, soon glabrous adaxially, with some short hairs along midrib; undersides almost hairless, with some tufts at axils, without glandular hairs; 7-14 vein pairs flat above, raised beneath; petiol 2-6 cm long, 1-1.5 mm in diameter, glabrescent. |
Flowers | male catkins 10-15 cm long; pistillate ones 0.5-2.5 cm, 1 to 5-flowered; |
Fruits | acorn ovoid, 1-1.9 cm long,0.1-1 cm in diameter, glabrescent, with thin pericarp; solitary or clustered; cup halfround, with straight rim, stalkless or nearly so, with smooth, appressed scales, enclosing almost 1/2 of nut; maturing second year; |
Bark, twigs and |
bark chestnut brown; twig 2-4 mm in diameter, glabrescent, canescent, pinkish brown, with numerous lenticels to 1 mm in diameter; bud ovoid, reddish, pointed, 2-6 mm long, with pubescent scales; |
Hardiness zone, habitat | not hardy; |
Miscellaneous |
-- A. Camus : n° 396; |
Subspecies and varieties |
Pictures |