Quercus peninsularis Trel. 1924

Twigs rather slender (2-3 mm.), somewhat fluted, yellow-tomentose, in the second season glabrescent and
reddish-barked with scarcely evident lenticels. Buds red-brown with blunt
ciliate scales, globose, 2 mm. in
diameter. Leaves deciduous, oblong or somewhat ovate
lanceolate, aristately acute, rounded or truncate at
base to cordate, entire to sharply bristly serrate or dentate, rather small (1.5-2.5 x 5-7 or 3.5 x 8 cm.), rather
dull, from matted yellow stellate glabrescent above and often beneath; veins about 8 pairs, rather faint,
obscurely looped; petiole more or less hairy, 1 x 5-8 mm. Catkins: male 30 mm. long, tomentose, closely
flowered, the oblong glabrous anthers little exserted. Fruit ?.