Quercus eduardi Trel. 1924

Twigs slender (2 mm.), somewhat fluted, from rather thinly and evanescently gray-scurfy-tomentose
becoming glossy and reddish. Buds rather glossy light brown, glabrescent, ovoid, 1.5 x 2.5 mm.
Leaves deciduous, oblong-elliptical, mucronately rather acute, slightly cordate, from entire to coarsely
repand-serrate with shortly aristate teeth, small (1.5 x 3 to 4 x 6 cm.), glossy, glabrous or with puberulent
midrib above, stellate-scurfy beneath becoming glabrate; veins about 6 pairs, more or less forking and
obscurely looped; petiole glabrescent, 1 x 5 mm. Catkins?. Fruit annual, solitary and nearly sessile; cup
somewhat turbinate, small (10 mm.in diameter), with thin appressed rounded scales from canescent
glabrate and brown; acorn ovoid or elongated and some 10 mm. long, fully half-included, pale and slightly silky.